Friday, October 30, 2020

Discrimination & Economic Collapse

I wasn't born yet when 9/11 happened, but from what I heard, it brought Americans together like they never have before while simultaneously seeking a greater separation from Muslims. I've heard horror stories of Muslims who had to quit their jobs, stop wearing turbans and hijabs, and take a break from flying to avoid comments and looks from people who associated the entire religion of Islam with the terrorist attack.

The Covid-19 outbreak was no different. 

Because the virus emerged in China, Americans began fearing Chinese-Americans. They stopped ordering from Chinese restaurants, causing many restaurants to have to shut down. Moreover, many rude comments were made to Asians, some that were not even of Chinese descent. Asian-Americans were told that the virus was their fault and they were told to leave before they spread the virus in stores. These unwarranted and inappropriate comments were extremely hurtful and caused the Asian food economy to suffer a major collapse. There are still Chinese restaurants to this day that have not reopened, due in part to a major loss of business because of the stigma surrounding their race.

Chinese and Asian restaurants have also had to spend more money than other restaurants to implement safety precautions like plexiglass to give people more confidence in their restaurant. My local Chinese take-out place created an entire wall of plexiglass of separation between the employees and me. The employees placed my order into a box and after they closed their door to it, I could open my door so we never risked hand-to-hand contact. This contraption was a bit extreme in my opinion but it was necessary for them to implement because of the discrimination they would experience otherwise.

I feel very sorry for every Asian who experienced hate because of their race. It deeply saddens me to see Chinese restaurants and businesses permanently closed, especially since money was already tight enough for everyone during the pandemic.

We as Americans can do better for groups who have a negative association with them. Not all Muslims took part in 9/11 and not all Asians contracted Covid. Discrimination and racism cannot have a place in 21st century America. We can do better. We must do better.